The power of storytelling lies in the connections people make through shared experiences. Listening to a story can bring the most diverse people together and give them a sense of community. Stories allow us to empathize with the people around us, learn new things, and inspire us to tell our own story. Check out these resources to learn more about storytelling or get started on your own storytelling journey.
Skip to End of CarouselWHPL participated in Memories of Migration, an intergenerational, community memory-gathering and storytelling project. In 2014, WHPL was invited to participate in a $495,000 Institute of Library and Museum Services grant to test the M.O.M. model. Librarians trained teen historians to conduct, edit, and archive interviews with immigrants in order to provide students with digital media and job readiness skills and to preserve migration stories that would be lost if no one invested the time to collect them. Their work is posted on the WHPL’s YouTube channel.