Poetry Contest

Poetry Contest

The Poetry Contest is now over and here are the winners!

Join the West Hartford Public Library and the Faxon Poets Group by entering a poetry contest! Below, please find the rules and regulations of the contest:

  • Contest will be judged by three members of the library staff.
  • Poems submitted must be no longer than 20 lines.
  • Submissions are limited to patrons 14 and older.
  • Poems will be judged for content and form.
  • Only one submission per person.
  • There will be three winners, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. First prize will win $200. Second and third-place winners will each win $50.
  • To submit, please send an e-mail to West Hartford Public Library’s Publicity Specialist, Maura Beaudreault, at: mbeaudreault@westhartfordct.gov. Subject Line should read as followed: “West Hartford Public Library Poetry Contest”.
  • Contest runs from April 1, 2024 until April 20, 2024.
  • Winners will be announced at a Faxon Poets meeting on May 18, 2024. For more information about the Faxon Poets, please click here: https://bit.ly/faxonpoets.
  • Winners retain all publishing rights, however the library retains the rights to publish the winning poems and author’s name on all library media applications (website, social media, newsletter, etc).

Good luck, everyone!